Thursday, October 11, 2012

Three Boy Thursday - The Collection Box

The Losing It Kids have got the collecting bug. Collecting is a very normal thing for kids. In our house we have little nature lovers, collecting things like leaves, rocks and parts of plants. When Losing It Big comes home from pre-school, we have a routine of checking his pockets and backpack for his "collections".

At the start of school this year I was noticing the outdoors was finding it's way indoors. I needed to come up with a way to keep the small stones and other things that Losing It Little could put in his mouth out of the house, but still respect the growing curiosity Losing It Big was developing. I started by having him store his goodies in the mail box, but that only lasted a week because we needed our mail box clear. I then started having him leave them on the porch, but when he would check in the morning for the sticks and leaves, mother nature had moved them along. I spent a few days trying to come up with something small enough not to be an eye sore but large enough to hold his treasures. I found a plastic shoe box in our basement that wasn't being used and sat it next to our front door. It has been there for weeks and I imagine will be for quite some time.

 As you can see he is quite the scientist, collecting all sorts of things to examine. He loves to tell me all about the world around him and how things change in the Fall.

If you were wondering, he will tell you all about how the Earth turns and that is why the sun goes down at night, all the colors leaves can be (and can't be) and that little rocks are the best. He will also show you his favorite thing of all, a pumpkin stem he found the first week of school.

Do you have a little collector in your house? What are the things your little ones like to save?

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