Friday, October 12, 2012

Fitness Friday - Where I am at

That is me a bit over a year ago. I was 240lbs and I had a heck of a time finding clothes for my cousin's wedding. Something needed to change.

Being a stay at home mom to three toddlers, my needs tend to take a backseat to everything else going on in our home. I am also an emotional eater and struggle with anything sugar. I still will grab a candy bar when the boys are running around screaming about a toy that did not go through the proper channels of ownership.

I feel I deserve a pizza (yep, I will eat a whole one if no one is watching still to this day) if we made it through the week with no broken bones and all the chores are completed on time. So maybe I am not THAT bad, but I do (still) reward myself with food.

I have been struggling since August to get things back on track. I blogged about races I was doing, tracked my food everyday, attended every Weight Watcher meeting, and got in all my water UP TO August and then for some reason I gave up. I stopped doing all that had got me to this point, except attending meetings, and felt horrible that each day I said "tomorrow".

Well TOMORROW is TODAY!! I wrote down all the reasons I would like to lose weight. I thought about all the things I have done that have gotten me to this point and WHY I need to keep doing them. I also set little goals for myself so I can see that it is truly working. I have a list of fitness goals and food goals and will add a new one once I feel I have successfully done what I have previously stated I was going to do. I am not sharing them right now because some are pretty personal but I also want you to think of what you need to do and what you can do to accomplish that.

Currently my food goal is to track every single day. Good, bad or otherwise, I just want to get back into the habit of writing down what I eat. My fitness goal is to complete C25K, no matter how long that will take. In July I was up to the 4th week of the 8 week program and gave up.

And this is me today. Sorry for the awkward photo, I am not that great at taking my own photos and Losing It Big was taking more of his own face than of me. I have lost 35 pounds in the past year. Not as huge as so many out there but I have only been adjusting small things. I never want to see the above photo again so I am doing things I know I can do FOREVER and working out for 2+ hours and eating carrots is not something I could do for 3 days, let alone the rest of my life.

Today, on my home scale, I saw 204. I want to see 135 someday and will have to work very hard to get that. I am not down and out. I am at the 1 mile mark looking for that water station.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your progress! You keep going and you will see that 135! (I saw the link to your blog on the Run With Jess challenge FB page.)
