Thursday, May 31, 2012

Finding what works

I have said before I am a Weight Watchers subscriber. I joined Weight Watchers Online for 2 months in between having Losing It Middle and being pregnant with Losing It Little. I lost about 20 lbs of the 55 lbs I gained being pregnant with Losing It Middle. It could have been a combination of the plan and caring for a toddler and newborn, but whatever the case I did not lose all the weight from the middle child before adding on for the littlest child. After having Losing It Little I struggled to lose any weight. I lost 15 lbs but that is mostly a 9 lb baby and water weight. In August 2011 I had a family wedding to go to. After finding something to wear that wasn't a t-shirt and sweat pants we headed to the celebration. A few weeks later a photo was taken of me and uploaded on Facebook.
The photo that made me really see my size

 WOW! Talk about eye opener. I joined Weight Watchers Online again shortly after this. I struggled for 3 months with losing 5lbs. Not as much as I would have liked so I joined Weight Watchers with meetings the day after Thanksgiving, 2011. The support and accountability has helped me shed another 20lbs over the past 5 months. It is a good, slow weight loss but I feel like I could do better. I feel like I am losing a few pounds one week and gaining a few back the next.

I am following the plan to the point I am staying within my points and using a few of my activity points but I can do that because I don't have a problem eating 0 point veggies for dinner when I eat a 20 point lunch (in terms of calories: around 800 to 900 calories). Although that is allowed on the plan I can't help but feel it may also be part of the issue. That being said I am going to try something new for a month and see if it helps. This is the great thing about Weight Watchers is you can mess around with things until you find what works for YOU. We are all different and the basics are the same (more calories out than calories consumed)  still we do process things in different ways.

Starting June 1st - June 30th I am going to limit the amount of carbohydrates/starches to 3 servings a day. We need carbs but I can eat up to 7 servings a day and still be within my points. I also want to make sure I get 3 to 4 servings of protein a day to help build muscle and keep me feeling full. Of course we all know fruits and veggies are good for us but with the new point system you can eat 10 servings of fruit and still call it 0, if you take it at face value (WW Leaders do explain that this is not the best way to do things). Fruits have calories and natural sugars that need to be kept in check. For me I want to keep the fruit to 2 servings a day and the veggies to 4-6 servings a day. Lastly we have dairy. I love cheese, milk and yogurt. The fat content in these items can be a bit higher but it is also necessary to help lose weight. Again I can eat a lot of these items and still be under point values for the day. I want to keep this to the daily recommended 2 servings a day because of how much I can consume without thinking about it. I have also read that flax seed, chi seeds and wheat germ can all be very good for you and help shed the belly fat (something I really need). I will add these slowly to my diet as they can cause GI issues if added too quickly. I am also going to get 107 oz of water in daily. That is the ideal amount of water I am suppose to be getting although I have only met that goal on a few occasions. Diet Pepsi always wins out.

After the diet changes I will also be working on the exercise portion. Cardio is not an issue for me as I get at least 3 miles in a day either walking or walking/jogging off and on. I have found The Biggest Loser 30 Day Workout DVD and will be adding this to my schedule. It mixes cardio and strength training in a short 30 -45 min. Something I can easily fit in after the Losing It Kids are in bed. The reviews have been all over for this stating it is,  "perfect for beginners and people who have been working out" to, "a very slow DVD that is hard to follow". I will be putting it's claim for shedding 3 inches in 30 days off your belly to the test. Granted it could also be the diet but we will see if the combination works for me.

I am happy to have lost 25 lbs since August 2011 but I would like to step it up some and I don't feel that the above plan is going to far off the edge. It is pretty basic and something I can stick to (the key to any weight loss plan). I am also adding in Saturdays as a kinda "free" day. I will still track but will give myself room to have pizza, fast food, sweets, and anything else that fits into my daily points but might not into the stricter dietary restrictions I have placed on myself.

Stay tuned to see if this is working and I will give you a weekly menu of what I have eaten so you can see if it is something that will work for you.

Don't give up! You are worth all the happiness you give to others. 
Losing It Momma

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I had a plan!

I had a plan for this weekend. The weekend full of traveling in the car to different events (lets face it, eating events) and being away from the daily routine. I talked about how I planned on handling these challenges. I was set and ready. Then it happened. I opened the metaphorical window and chucked the plan directly out of it. Here is the breakdown of events:

Friday: Losing It Kids and Losing It Momma were away from home visiting family at the largest garage sale in the county (I don't know that for sure but it is pretty big). I wrote about almost missing breakfast but I also had to deal with lunch. I know everyone has that one family member who is the cook. For our family that is my mom. It doesn't matter what it is, she makes it taste so good and you feel so special eating her food. She brought lunch down for everyone and let me tell you she didn't pull any punches. She made the best General Tso's chicken, rice and broccoli. We also had some egg rolls that was delicious. I was very good at making sure to only have a cup of each thing; using my fist as a guide. Then I took that bite and it was over. It was so good that I had a second helping without waiting for it to hit my tummy (I am always repeating this to the Losing It Kids but "do as I say, not as I do"). After my second helping I decided I need to get out of the house. If all else fails remove yourself from temptation. We traveled home and later that night the Losing It Family went for a walk. The only issue with this is we stopped for ice cream on this walk. I did split it with Losing It Little but the scoops were HUGE. I wrote down I ate a whole cup even though Little had a good amount of the kiddy cone, but I am sure I still had quite a bit.

Saturday and Sunday were spent at home. We didn't really have a plan (RUT-OH!) so we ended up getting Taco Bell one day (a whopping 20 points!) and then snacking the day away. I was able to get some gardening in before we had a huge rain storm. That was hauling 24 bags of dirt and a few bags of pressed peat. On Sunday we took the boys on a 5 mile (2.5 miles one way) walk to a friend's BBQ. I snacked on chips and pasta salad. I had no idea I was hungry until I had one chip. I could not be stopped at the point because I realized how hungry I was and ate 2 helpings of pasta and chips. UG!!! I went to bed that night for 2 hours and then woke up to join a few family members at the casino. When I got home at 3:30 in the morning I figured it was as good of a time as any to put on my running shoes and get in 2.5 miles. I started the Couch To 5K program again to try and get up to running a whole race. My legs burned so bad I had to stop on the last min of running. I was able to complete 7 times running by telling myself to push through but that last one I just knew would be too much. I am hoping on Wednesday I can complete the whole thing.

Monday: Oh Memorial Day. The day I really had a plan. I was planning on hot dogs and hamburgers, an easy thing for me to control since they are a BBQ staple. When we arrived the menu was a different story. It was fried chicken. I hadn't had fried chicken in 4 years maybe more. I love the stuff but have trouble controlling myself so I try to stay away from it. I had one large piece and shared it with Losing It Little. I also tried to fill my plate with fruit and salad. The Losing It Kids will choose fruit over a cookie any day and cleared my plate of the berries I had. I did manage to eat the watermelon and salad without anyone stealing off my plate. After lunch we ran around doing wheelbarrow races, 3 legged races and a sack race. After running after everyone jumping in the cold pool was very welcomed. The 20 and 30 year olds were all walking in a circle to make a current effect and then we would turn and try to walk the other way. It made it a bit more challenging. The Losing It Kids don't really swim but they like the water. With water wings and inflatable tubes they kicked and splashed the afternoon away. When swimming was done we all had some pie and ice cream. I only had a small spoonful of the homemade ice cream to have that taste and one piece of cherry pie (made by the one and only cook of the family). We finished the day with Subway, a 6 inch turkey sub, and traveled back home.

I took today off from training to complete a whole 5K and mowed the lawn. I also finished moving dirt to the vegetable boxes. I am back on track with keeping the sweets at bay and trying to keep hydrated. I don't expect the scale to be very kind to me on Saturday but I will not use that as an excuse to let the whole week go.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The (unofficial) Start to Summer

This weekend starts the BBQ's, family parties, late night bonfires and I am sure weddings, baby showers and celebrations just because it is Friday and you work four 10's a week. This has got to be the second hardest "season" for someone who over eats to handle, second to Christmas/New Years.

As schedules are tossed aside and we take weeks off at a time to enjoy the outdoors, the routines we use to keep us on track are no longer there. What are we to do to keep the progress going in the direction we want and not get discouraged when we fall off that wagon? My answer is to follow what The Losing It Kids do. Most 2 and 3 year olds are great role models when it comes to listening to your body. It also helps that their dishes and eating utensils are much smaller and they also have dividers. I have used their plates in the past to help gauge better portion sizes. They have a 3 places for food, one that takes up half the plate, one a bit more than a quarter of the plate and one smaller than a quarter. Fruits and veggies take up the largest portion, protein the larger quarter and starch or carbohydrate takes up the smallest spot.

We also will get a cup of something and split it 4 ways. This works great to get a taste but not the guilt. A hamburger at a BBQ cut up in fourths is much nicer in the calorie (or points) arena than that whole burger, baked beans, potatoes salad and whatever lovely dessert Aunt Meme decided to bring. I understand that many of you don't have your own Losing It Kids to split your meals with but you can use that principle when making your choices. For things you scoop (potato salads, baked beans, fruit salads, etc) look at your fist and put about 1/2 that amount on your plate. Don't over estimate!!! About one scoop of a large spoon should do it (provided it is not heaping). If it is a hot dog or a hamburger, ask if someone wants to split it with you. Most of the time you are with friends or family so this should not feel weird. If you don't want to ask, split it and leave half there. Someone will take it I am sure (remember when cutting it to only handle your side since people can be put off by someone touching their food).

Another thing to remember when you see that huge spread before you; there will be a next time. My family does a party for Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day every year. We also throw in a few birthday parties and pool parties throughout the summer. Although different dishes are available at each event, the staples are always there. If your family always has potato salad at events, choose ONE event to have a cup (as good as it is, it is also a higher calorie/point item) and then choose to refrain at the other events.

Lastly remember: NO ONE IS WATCHING YOU!! I have a hard time with this and it causes me to over eat. I feel like, because I am so heavy, everyone is watching what I eat. They are trying to figure out how I got to be so big. The truth of the matter is it is all in your head. You need to be accountable for what you put on your plate (always put it on your plate. Don't mindless snack out of a communal bowl/bag) and no one will be examining your choices.

Do you have any strategies for getting through informal get togethers? Do you have anything that gives you pause or can be an issue for you?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Losing It Momma Vs The Scale 5/26/2012

I weigh in on Saturdays at 9 am officially. I step on the scale through out the week to make sure I haven't suddenly gained 15 lbs (I am seriously considering abolishing this practice though). I am very use to every other week the scale "saying" something rather unkind but the next week having a redemption of a big loss.

This week was the week where the scale was a big meanie.

I have stopped trying to figure out why I have a gain one week and a loss the next as long as the average is 2 lbs a week for the month. I can come up with all sorts of reasons why something worked one week and didn't the next. This will drive a person batty. Now I take a deep breath and move on, trying to improve every day and not letting yesterday weigh heavy on my thoughts.

Saturdays will be stats days. I have a photo to add here and when I get it uploaded I will post. Right now it is a cell phone photo but will try and get photos with a better camera soon.

May 26th, 2012
Weight - 218.2 (up 3.2.)
Chest: 47 inches
Waist: 46 inches
Hips: 52 inches
Thigh: 24 inches
Arm: 14 inches

I don't have any measurements recorded so this will be the official starting point. That being said I do remember my chest being somewhere around 52 inches at Christmas and my waist being 50. Things are moving in the right direction.

For people who do Weight Watchers:

My points for the week were pretty good. I tracked daily and had 35 activity points and used 10 of them. I did not use any of my 49 weekly points and a few days I was below my daily points by 2. I wasn't hungry but I did skip the mid morning snack that  would usually have. I could have upped my water intake as I only got 64 oz daily. I felt I did well with limiting 0 point fruits to one or two a day and having at least 4 servings of veggies. Moving forward I will work on getting in 109 oz of water daily (1/2 my body weight in oz) and add that mid morning snack back in. I may also look at using a bit more of my activity points and changing the activity up some.

Goal or the week is to lose 5.2 lbs - making the average for 2 weeks 2.5.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Free Your Mind and the rest will follow

Yes I just summoned my inner 90's R&B girl. These words hold new meaning for me though. It is so fresh in my mind that I want to share it with everyone now so I don't forget this feeling I have.

Thursday I went to visit family with the Losing It Kids. This can be a stressful experience because it is 3 against 1. We left home at dinner time because they were driving me crazy. We just needed to get out of the house and since we planned on visiting Losing It Grandma on Friday I decided we would go early.

We have a tradition of hitting up the drive thru window when visiting Owosso since we usually travel around dinner time. We haven't broken that tradition yet, although we are trying to. Thankfully with Weight Watchers we can work it in and not feel guilty with the occasional fast food run. The Losing It Kids have always liked McDonald's because of the apple slices. I know many other chains have started to add apples to their menu but McDonald's apples don't have skins. The boys have difficulty with the texture of the skins so they need them without. We try at home every so often to keep the skins on so they get the added fiber and it is hit or miss. They have never liked fries (thank goodness!) so we get kids meals with double apples. This is also the rare time they get chocolate milk. For myself I try to get something I enjoy but is still will not be too much food (I am looking at you Big Mac). I also DO NOT get the fries. I enjoy french fries but not fast food ones. Yet I always would get them and munch away. Now if I want to use those higher points  it better be on great fries. This is a new revelation over the past few months. One place I have learned to let go. I have let go of the mindset of eating it because it is there and entered into eating to sustain life (while enjoying it as well). That being said I did get a Ranch Crispy Chicken Snack Wrap. Not the healthiest on the menu I know. It packed 9 WW points and just under 400 calories but was all I needed to get me to the next snack (usually a much better option like salad or other veggies). 

That brings me to something I noticed Friday morning. We had a rough night. The Losing It Kids were in a different place for sleeping. Sleeping and eating times are 2 areas where they do not handle change very well. We all slept on a pull out sofa so I could make sure no one rolled out in the middle of the night. They wanted to party. I got them all settled down at 11pm (FINALLY!) and they were up at their normal time of 7am (SLEEP IN I TELL YOU!). I was worried about getting their breakfast around that I didn't get anything for myself. Rule # 1 if you want to be healthy is EAT YOUR DARN BREAKFAST!!! We had to go to the store so I grabbed a Muscle Milk (a protein drink that is pretty good) and some bananas. I could have grabbed a doughnut, a muffin, or a number of other quick, high calorie items. I made my choice based on the knowledge that protein will keep you fuller longer and fruit is good for you. Granted bananas do have a high glycemic  index (read: high natural sugar and carb count) but again better than a doughnut. Also as someone who is trying to work on running the potassium is great for helping with muscle cramps. I also made sure I grabbed three 20 oz bottles of water. If Rule #1 is eating breakfast, a very close runner up is drink water. I actually would say they are interchangeable.

As I was eating my on the go breakfast I started thinking about the change in my choices. Weight Watchers is not my first attempt to lose weight by a long shot. Trying to improve my times and become a runner is not my first crack at trying to get active. This is the first time I feel I can do this. I don't feel like I have to eat certain foods and in turn not want to continue (I am taking about you Slim Fast) or get frustrated when I can't keep up because I am not coordinated enough to dance. It is all about my change of attitude. I am now trying to fuel the passion I have for running and that includes what I eat. I don't feel bad when I make choices that are not considered the greatest but I do try to make sure those choices are few and far between.

Have you worked on your mental state? Much of being a success is in your head. Once you get your mind in line with how you want to feel the choices become so much easier. You can really do anything you set your mind to. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

St. Pattrick - Bay City (the beginning)

Bay City, Michigan in March has to be the biggest highlight to look forward to after Christmas. In years past it was all about the beer and parade for me. I would watch the crazy people who would get up on a Sunday morning to run down the middle of Center Rd and think "why on Earth would you run 3 miles in the cold and not have a horde of zombies after you!?!?!" Really it made no sense to me. Even as I signed up to do it this year I was thinking I had lost my mind. I figured I would run (lets face it I knew I wouldn't RUN but walk) the race and then be done. I just wanted to be able to say I did it.

We got a surprise this year from Mother Nature and the normally 30 - 40 degree weather was replaced by 80 - 90 degree sunny skies.

I was so nervous. I thought about what other people would think about this heavy woman trying to run. I thought about how was I going to finish 3.1 miles. I also thought of parking since I have seen the mess this race can be with all the people. Once I was there and I saw the people who were all racing I calmed down some. There were A LOT of people doing 5K running, 5K walking and 10K running. I think the number was around 4,000 people.

Once Losing It Daddy and I found a parking spot we then had to figure out where to pick up our bib (the number we wear with the computer chip in it to make sure the time we cross the lines is accurate) and shirts. After a bit of walking around we found the building and picked up our things. It was then time to go to the start and we headed to the back of the runners but the front of the walkers (walkers started a few minutes after runners). We were chatting and found someone who was also as scared as I was. The plan of signing up as a runner was to run some and then walk. It was refreshing to know we were not alone in this plan.

When we started moving up to the starting line I told myself I would jog as far as I could and then just walk the rest. I was able to jog for 30 seconds and then Losing It Daddy was off. I decided I did as much as I could and walked with the person I met at the starting line. She walked faster than I normally do so I had to really push it to keep up with her. We chatted and gave each other support while cracking jokes. The sidelines was filling with people watching the runners and getting ready for the parade that would happen a few hours later. The weather really helped bring out the spectators. A huge boost of confidence happened and I really felt I could do this. It didn't matter what others thought.

When I saw the finish line I wanted to run across it. I was able to get across with a time of 59 minutes. I had a bunch of those walkers pass me but that didn't matter. That was their journey and mine got me to push myself.

In the car ride home Losing It Daddy (who did the race in 45 min BTW) and I talked about how much fun it was. The sense of accomplishment we both had was almost overwhelming. We decided then and there to sign up for one race a month until September. When I got home I started figuring out when and where we would be able to take a few hours to compete. I set a goal of finishing the next 5K at 55 minutes.

Have you ever done something that you thought you could never do? Remember that drive. It will keep you going and get you pass those challenges that will pop up along the road to your goal. You can do it as long as you think you can.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Meet the Losing It Team

I want to introduce my team who will help me get to that finish line.

First up we have Losing It Daddy. On January 1st, 2012 he joined the "write it before you bite it" club. He did it mostly to show support for me but has also been losing as he goes along. Between January and May he has lost 30 lbs. We have done 3 races together (well we start off together but he is always at the finish line before me) and have a few more this year.

When he isn't running with me, he is holding down the fort at home with the Losing It Kids. He works full time, is the laundry master (I LOATHE laundry) and still finds time to put in a few hours saving the virtual world from whatever monsters are plaguing the latest PS3 game. We do use the xbox Kinect together to help with some strength and flexibility training. I love it because you can "see" what you are doing and where you need help. We both have a competitive nature about us that pushes us to try to better ourselves and each other.

Next up we have Losing It Big. He is 4 and like all 4 year olds has the ability to make this momma go from angry to frustrated to happy in a matter of seconds. He is also a great motivator. I call him my own personal Jillian Micheals since he will come and sit on my back while I attempt to do push ups. When I come home from a race I hear "DID YOU WIN!?" straight from this little guy. I always tell him I did get better so I did win.

Now I give you Losing It Middle. This is my 2 year old birthday buddy (He was born on my 29th birthday). A spitting image of Losing It Daddy and a big comedian. He loves to run and will ask to get out of the stroller to try and keep up with mom. Full of questions and giggles he is a very sweet boy. He will be doing tot trots in no time!

And here is Losing It Little. He is one - 360 days younger than Losing It Middle - and keeps me on my toes. He is a fast and very skilled climber. I am always amazed at what he is able to scale, I almost want to get the camera before he tumbles to the floor, instead I get him down and wait a few seconds before he is at it again. If you are ever having a bad day, ask this one "Do I look pretty?" because he will always say "YEAH!"

That is the Losing It family but they are not my whole team. I have many others who are cheering for me and helping me get to my goal. In no particular order they are :

Losing It Grandparents. I have 2 mom's and 2 dad's (divorce when I was little but I would not say I have step-parents since they are all true parents to me) They are the ones who watch the Losing It Kids when both LID and LIM are at a race. They may not fully understand why we pay to run (I was in their shoes last year so  get it) but they are happy to lend a hand.

Losing It Sibs. I have convinced my brother and two sisters to do a few races with me. They make it fun to do something with them now they are adults. There are also some siblings that cheer from a few counties or states away.

Losing It Extended Family. Cousins, Aunts and Uncles all add their own support. I am so lucky to have so many people in my life who are just as proud of what I am doing as I am.

Losing It Tri-City Weight Watchers. I know that many people get what I am doing but I would say this group understands the challenges I am going through the best. These are the people I see every Saturday and the people I "see" on Facebook during the week. If I am struggling I turn to this group first. So many inspiring people to really help you when you feel stuck.

All my Facebook friends. When I post something and you take the time to "like" it or comment please know that helps fuel this passion I now have.

Now I have 3 people I would like to say are the "cause" of the 5K crazy but all for different reasons.

Weight Watcher Leader Sarah - A runner who lost 115 lbs. Such an inspiration and proof that what I am doing is worth it and 100% possible. I listened to her story and thought when I get to goal I can run and get active instead of just being that big mouth cheerleader on the sidelines.

Friends Alisha and Rosie. Alisha has been doing 5K's, 10K's and has a marathon under her belt. She would always ask if I would do a race and I would always say when I can run the whole thing.
Rosie changed that way of thinking and showed me that you can still be awesome even though you haven't hit goal. She works so hard and accomplishes so much. Seeing her progress over the last year has shown me I too can do this and don't have to wait.

Last but not least YOU!!! If I didn't cover you in a category above know that you do hold a place in my heart. Taking the time out to read what I have to say makes you part of the team. You are offering support by showing me that this goal can be reached and if I fall you are there to pick me up and remind me what I need to do to get back on track.

Now that you have met my team - who is in your team? Go out there and tell someone what you want to do and you will be surprised how that one little thing can make or break your success.  

Monday, May 21, 2012

Race Schedule

March 18th - St. Patty's in Bay City - 59.43
April 21st - Steps for Courage in Owosso - 54.53
April 29th - Walleye Fest in Freeland - 53.18
May 19th - Dow Run/Walk in Midland - 49.43
June 9th - Curwood Festival in Owosso
June 16th - Cheese Festival in Pinconing
June 30th - Mud Run in Millington
July 4th - 4th of July Firecracker in Corunna
July 22nd - Color Run in Ann Arbor
August 5th - Color Run in Grand Rapids
August 11th - Trojan Trail Run in East Lansing
August 25th - Arc Stroll in Midland
September 3rd - Mackinaw Bridge Walk
September 8th - Mud Creek in Sandford
September 15th - Chad Schieber Memorial 5K in Midland
October 27th - Mackinac Island Great Turtle 1/2 Marathon (that is 13.1 miles!!!)


Well here is the brutal honest truth. Men I am sure you don't get this but women do everything by numbers. We think of the numbers on the scale, we think of the numbers on our clothes, we think of the numbers in the bank account (unless it is something just for us and then those numbers don't matter) and we HATE to share those numbers. That is the part I think guys don't get, the sharing. Yeah men can hate those numbers but they don't feel any or much shame with sharing those numbers with people they know.

Well I am going to share all the numbers as we go along. First we need to start with a base.

Let's go with high school way back in 1999. I was a size 7 and weighed around 135lbs. I am 5 foot 2 inches so that was all in with guidelines for a healthy BMI.

Then I met my first husband in 2000 and we married in 2001. In that time frame I packed on at least 40 lbs eating my feelings. Please understand that is/was not his fault that was 100% mine. I just want to make that clear. I don't remember my size but I can tell you I had to get a second wedding dress because I had gone up 6 sizes in 4 months.

We divorced in 2007, I was 190 lbs and a size 18.

I had met someone and in 2008 I gave birth to our first son. The day he was born I was 249 lbs and since I was pregnant I didn't really have a size. I was able to get down to 200 lbs and back to a size 18 by the summer of 2009 just by being a mom and not eating so much of my feelings.

In 2010 and 2011 I gave birth to our other two boys (they are 360 days apart) and both times I was up to 255 lbs on the days I gave birth.

In August 2011, I joined Weight Watchers online at a size 22 (I guess. All my clothes at this point said XL and I know I didn't fit in the size 20 pants I had) My home scale said I was 240. I liked Weight Watchers but online is not for me. I need the accountability of seeing a person every week. I lost 5 lbs from August to November. Then I decided to go to a meeting and it was like I was home. I weighed in on November 26th at 235 lbs.

It took 21 weeks for me to lose 10 lbs. Yes 21 WEEKS! I needed to figure out what would work and what didn't with the program. Also to be honest some of it I didn't really follow very well. Around Christmas I had too many cookies. January was birthday season (2 of my boys have birthday's right around mine). February I binged on Valentines candy. March was St. Patrick's goodies and April had Easter candy. I then got my act together and lost another 10 lbs in 3 weeks.

As of Saturday May 19th, 2012 I am fitting into size 20 pants and weigh 215.

My goal is to be 134 lbs. I also have a goal of being 190 lbs on September 3rd. The reason is I walk the Mackinaw Bridge on Labor day and I want to be 50 lbs less than I was last year when I set foot on it. It is a tough goal but I think I can make it.

Here I am! (An about me post)

I would like to get to know you but in order to do that you have to know me.

I creating this blog to document my weight loss - yes throwing my hat into the ring and becoming more white noise in a saturated form of communication - I am doing this while I am losing weight so maybe that makes the market a bit smaller. I will always be very honest about anything and never hold any of the numbers back. You will see the good, the bad and the ugly. My hope is my voice will help you realize your goals and maybe give some support. I also need the support and a great way to get me to keep writing is to comment. A smiley face, a way to go or a long story. Everything is welcomed. I will say that I will not allow obvious trolling. I don't fight on the internet, it is a losing battle, so comparing myself or anyone to farm animals will get your comment removed. Other than that it will all stay. We are in this together and we all need a shoulder to cry on.

 A few things you should know about me since you will encounter them often.

I am living the Weight Watchers life. I would never say the D word because those are for so short and I have never completed them. I will be eating this way for the rest of my life. It is something that can (and I feel should) be done. If you don't know, it works like this. You get a set number of points to eat daily based on your weight and gender (height may play a factor, I just don't remember). Each food has a number assigned to it. This is calculated by the amount of fat, carbs, protein and fiber is each food. Really it all equals to be around 40 calories = 1 point but that is simplifying it a lot. Fruits and most veggies are 0 points because you should be eating more of those and what better way to do that then by saying it is free. See the mental game going on here? Points are covered. Some other things they offer is support. Trust me this is huge if you want to keep going. Some people go every week to a meeting (LIKE ME!!!) and some can do it online (I tried. I need the people and a computer wasn't cutting it). The meetings are also nice because we talk about issues, struggles, triumphs, and offer new ways of looking at things. It is an AA meeting for food lovers and exercise haters (or former ones as I have come to find out). I will say it is not cheap. We found a way to pay for it by redoing the monthly budget. We canceled cable and wouldn't you know the monthly price with e-tools is the same price as our cable bill? Funny how that works out, huh.

Now I mentioned exercise. Yeah I hated it. I was a person who would start something and then give up a week later. Then I found walking and jogging, well really 5K races. Last year if you would ask me to do a race I would laugh and call you crazy. Why in the world would I pay to kill myself running 3.1 miles? Then through some change of thinking and motivation from friends (which I will go over in later posts) I tried one in March 2012. OH MY!!! The excitement of all those people both competing and cheering you on, well lets just say it got me. I was super charged for a week after. Now mind you I ran for 30 seconds at the start and 30 seconds at the end, was pasted by many people doing the walking part and finished with a time of 59 minutes but I was so excited to have done it. I signed up for 15 more races from March until September. I am currently writing after finishing my 4th official race with a time of 49 min. I ran a bit more and improved my time by 10 min. I have so many races lined up because I need a goal. I need something to make those walk/jogs at 5 am (yeah get up THAT early) worth it. I joke that I will not do a race unless I get a t-shirt.

Besides the diet and exercise I am a mom to 3 toddlers. The boys are 1,2 and 4. I am lucky enough to be able to stay home with them all day. That does have some downsides though. Toddlers do eat rather healthy but sometimes they would like a treat. We have fruit snacks, crackers and a few other processed foods in the house but we also have baked goods and the like. So I have to be mindful of not grabbing those things and eating without writing it down. Also I make a lot of those snacks. You know how you bump your hand when frosting a cake and lick the frosting off your hand? Well that has calories and if you do it enough times you can pack on some serious LBS. So when I do make those treats I have to make sure I am very aware of what I am doing not to get added calories I forget to track. I have also had to make sure I don't finish their plates for them. I am a card carrying member of the clean plate club but I try not to make sure my kids join this group. So I would pick off their plate so we didn't waste the food. I admit it isn't smart logic, eat it because it is there not because you are hungry, but that is what it says I must do to stay a member of the CPC!!! Well, I now make sure I dump what isn't eaten and try to serve smaller servings at a time.

I think this is a pretty good run down of who I am. Keep coming back and I am sure we will uncover more about me and this journey I am on. I do feel the need to share (and I am sure you can already see this) I am not a writer, I am a talker. I write how I speak and I run my mouth a lot.

Now get out there and pound some pavement!