Saturday, June 2, 2012

Losing It Momma VS The Scale 6/02/2012

Here I am another Saturday and just like I said before I have one week of a gain and one week of a loss. Last week was a gain of 3.2 lbs and this week was a loss of those 3.2 lbs. Now I understand this isn't a big WHOO HOO type of moment because I didn't really get anywhere but I did when it came down to inches.

Here is the breakdown:
June 02,2012
Weight - 215  (down 3.2.)
Chest: 46.5 inches (down 1/2 inch)
Waist: 44 inches (down 2 inches)
Hips: 51 inches (down an inch)
Thigh: 24 inches (no change)
Arm: 13 inches (down an inch)

So 4 1/2 inches off my body this week.

Some things have struck me over this week as well. I had a piece of fried chicken on Memorial Day but made sure to get moving in the pool. I had a day where the craving for onion rings was so bad I made a batch and felt sick after but then I made sure I drank some water and did my 3 miles the next morning. The worst of it however, had to be yesterday, June 1st. I wrote about making a goal about what kinds of foods I ate here. Then on June 1st it rained, the Losing It Kids really lost it from being cooped up inside and I had a last minute cupcake order that meant leftover Mountain Dew frosting was sitting in the kitchen. Yes MOUNTAIN DEW FROSTING! I am pretty sure it doesn't get much worse than that. I caved, the stress got to me and I ate about 1/4 cup of it on a graham cracker. Then I had a 100 calorie cookie pack. Then I had a 120 calorie ice cream cone. I felt awful about myself that I didn't do the workout video I was planning on doing. That is when I figured out why Weight Watchers works for me when the other plans I have tried failed. There is no BAD food. If you have the points for that frosting, go ahead, eat it. You won't have that guilt that will make you feel even worse if you have that ice cream (although if you have points for that, go ahead). What I am saying is that even though you should try and eat a well balanced diet of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, dairy, fruits and veggies plus good fats, it is not always possible. There is going to be days you want that piece of fried chicken, days where that slice of pizza is sounding too damn good to let it go, days where the only thing in the house is a pack of Ramen and you are STARVING (I hope those days never happen but they can). If you limit yourself those days where you go off your stick plan will make you feel like a failure. When you feel like a failure, you throw in the towel.

So even though it is only Day 2 of what I had planned I am throwing in that towel and keeping to counting points (whatever foods they may be) and just try to shoot for a well balanced day. It may be a day that is loaded with carbs and it may be a day where 2 pieces of fruit may not cut it, but as long as I try to keep that all in check I should come out ahead. This 100 lbs (although we are at 80 lbs now) is going to be a LONG journey. It was a LONG 10+ years to get here so a fraction of that time to get it off is just shy of amazing. I will do this because I will fall and pick myself back up instead of laying there letting the world run me over.

This week is leading up to a hometown 5k. I will be heading back to the town I grew up in to participate in the local festival race. Drinking water will be a big thing to keep those joints working in proper order. It is a big thing on non-race weeks but even more so on race weeks. I will not be "carbo-loading" since it is for 3.1 miles and that should be reserved for the 1/2 and full marathons. I may have a granola bar on the trip into town but nothing like huge plates of spaghetti or I have seen some of you eat a few doughnuts :) After the race we will be having a huge picnic and watching the parade (think tailgating). I hope to pack some raw veggies and fruit for everyone but I know the hot dogs and hamburgers will also be on hand. Since I am not a hot dog fan this should be pretty easy.

I will be gone from my Weight Watchers place to weigh in so I will do a home weigh in for stats. This can be a bit scary since my scale is always off and it is never in the same direction (today it said 217 and last week it said 214 when I weighed in at 218 so I never know). The inches however will be accurate since I do them myself. I would LOVE to have a 2 week weigh in at 210 (that means on June 16th I would have 210 read at Weight Watchers) If that happens I would be looking at 25 lbs loss through the program and 10% of my body weight gone. We will see.

As for  my race goal, I would like to come in at 47.49 (that would be 3 minutes off my time from May 19th, 2012)

Remember as you go forward this week to love yourself as you love others. You are the #1 person in many peoples lives and should be #1 in yours.

Losing It Momma
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