Sunday, May 27, 2012

The (unofficial) Start to Summer

This weekend starts the BBQ's, family parties, late night bonfires and I am sure weddings, baby showers and celebrations just because it is Friday and you work four 10's a week. This has got to be the second hardest "season" for someone who over eats to handle, second to Christmas/New Years.

As schedules are tossed aside and we take weeks off at a time to enjoy the outdoors, the routines we use to keep us on track are no longer there. What are we to do to keep the progress going in the direction we want and not get discouraged when we fall off that wagon? My answer is to follow what The Losing It Kids do. Most 2 and 3 year olds are great role models when it comes to listening to your body. It also helps that their dishes and eating utensils are much smaller and they also have dividers. I have used their plates in the past to help gauge better portion sizes. They have a 3 places for food, one that takes up half the plate, one a bit more than a quarter of the plate and one smaller than a quarter. Fruits and veggies take up the largest portion, protein the larger quarter and starch or carbohydrate takes up the smallest spot.

We also will get a cup of something and split it 4 ways. This works great to get a taste but not the guilt. A hamburger at a BBQ cut up in fourths is much nicer in the calorie (or points) arena than that whole burger, baked beans, potatoes salad and whatever lovely dessert Aunt Meme decided to bring. I understand that many of you don't have your own Losing It Kids to split your meals with but you can use that principle when making your choices. For things you scoop (potato salads, baked beans, fruit salads, etc) look at your fist and put about 1/2 that amount on your plate. Don't over estimate!!! About one scoop of a large spoon should do it (provided it is not heaping). If it is a hot dog or a hamburger, ask if someone wants to split it with you. Most of the time you are with friends or family so this should not feel weird. If you don't want to ask, split it and leave half there. Someone will take it I am sure (remember when cutting it to only handle your side since people can be put off by someone touching their food).

Another thing to remember when you see that huge spread before you; there will be a next time. My family does a party for Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day every year. We also throw in a few birthday parties and pool parties throughout the summer. Although different dishes are available at each event, the staples are always there. If your family always has potato salad at events, choose ONE event to have a cup (as good as it is, it is also a higher calorie/point item) and then choose to refrain at the other events.

Lastly remember: NO ONE IS WATCHING YOU!! I have a hard time with this and it causes me to over eat. I feel like, because I am so heavy, everyone is watching what I eat. They are trying to figure out how I got to be so big. The truth of the matter is it is all in your head. You need to be accountable for what you put on your plate (always put it on your plate. Don't mindless snack out of a communal bowl/bag) and no one will be examining your choices.

Do you have any strategies for getting through informal get togethers? Do you have anything that gives you pause or can be an issue for you?

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