Friday, May 25, 2012

Free Your Mind and the rest will follow

Yes I just summoned my inner 90's R&B girl. These words hold new meaning for me though. It is so fresh in my mind that I want to share it with everyone now so I don't forget this feeling I have.

Thursday I went to visit family with the Losing It Kids. This can be a stressful experience because it is 3 against 1. We left home at dinner time because they were driving me crazy. We just needed to get out of the house and since we planned on visiting Losing It Grandma on Friday I decided we would go early.

We have a tradition of hitting up the drive thru window when visiting Owosso since we usually travel around dinner time. We haven't broken that tradition yet, although we are trying to. Thankfully with Weight Watchers we can work it in and not feel guilty with the occasional fast food run. The Losing It Kids have always liked McDonald's because of the apple slices. I know many other chains have started to add apples to their menu but McDonald's apples don't have skins. The boys have difficulty with the texture of the skins so they need them without. We try at home every so often to keep the skins on so they get the added fiber and it is hit or miss. They have never liked fries (thank goodness!) so we get kids meals with double apples. This is also the rare time they get chocolate milk. For myself I try to get something I enjoy but is still will not be too much food (I am looking at you Big Mac). I also DO NOT get the fries. I enjoy french fries but not fast food ones. Yet I always would get them and munch away. Now if I want to use those higher points  it better be on great fries. This is a new revelation over the past few months. One place I have learned to let go. I have let go of the mindset of eating it because it is there and entered into eating to sustain life (while enjoying it as well). That being said I did get a Ranch Crispy Chicken Snack Wrap. Not the healthiest on the menu I know. It packed 9 WW points and just under 400 calories but was all I needed to get me to the next snack (usually a much better option like salad or other veggies). 

That brings me to something I noticed Friday morning. We had a rough night. The Losing It Kids were in a different place for sleeping. Sleeping and eating times are 2 areas where they do not handle change very well. We all slept on a pull out sofa so I could make sure no one rolled out in the middle of the night. They wanted to party. I got them all settled down at 11pm (FINALLY!) and they were up at their normal time of 7am (SLEEP IN I TELL YOU!). I was worried about getting their breakfast around that I didn't get anything for myself. Rule # 1 if you want to be healthy is EAT YOUR DARN BREAKFAST!!! We had to go to the store so I grabbed a Muscle Milk (a protein drink that is pretty good) and some bananas. I could have grabbed a doughnut, a muffin, or a number of other quick, high calorie items. I made my choice based on the knowledge that protein will keep you fuller longer and fruit is good for you. Granted bananas do have a high glycemic  index (read: high natural sugar and carb count) but again better than a doughnut. Also as someone who is trying to work on running the potassium is great for helping with muscle cramps. I also made sure I grabbed three 20 oz bottles of water. If Rule #1 is eating breakfast, a very close runner up is drink water. I actually would say they are interchangeable.

As I was eating my on the go breakfast I started thinking about the change in my choices. Weight Watchers is not my first attempt to lose weight by a long shot. Trying to improve my times and become a runner is not my first crack at trying to get active. This is the first time I feel I can do this. I don't feel like I have to eat certain foods and in turn not want to continue (I am taking about you Slim Fast) or get frustrated when I can't keep up because I am not coordinated enough to dance. It is all about my change of attitude. I am now trying to fuel the passion I have for running and that includes what I eat. I don't feel bad when I make choices that are not considered the greatest but I do try to make sure those choices are few and far between.

Have you worked on your mental state? Much of being a success is in your head. Once you get your mind in line with how you want to feel the choices become so much easier. You can really do anything you set your mind to. 

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