Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Meet the Losing It Team

I want to introduce my team who will help me get to that finish line.

First up we have Losing It Daddy. On January 1st, 2012 he joined the "write it before you bite it" club. He did it mostly to show support for me but has also been losing as he goes along. Between January and May he has lost 30 lbs. We have done 3 races together (well we start off together but he is always at the finish line before me) and have a few more this year.

When he isn't running with me, he is holding down the fort at home with the Losing It Kids. He works full time, is the laundry master (I LOATHE laundry) and still finds time to put in a few hours saving the virtual world from whatever monsters are plaguing the latest PS3 game. We do use the xbox Kinect together to help with some strength and flexibility training. I love it because you can "see" what you are doing and where you need help. We both have a competitive nature about us that pushes us to try to better ourselves and each other.

Next up we have Losing It Big. He is 4 and like all 4 year olds has the ability to make this momma go from angry to frustrated to happy in a matter of seconds. He is also a great motivator. I call him my own personal Jillian Micheals since he will come and sit on my back while I attempt to do push ups. When I come home from a race I hear "DID YOU WIN!?" straight from this little guy. I always tell him I did get better so I did win.

Now I give you Losing It Middle. This is my 2 year old birthday buddy (He was born on my 29th birthday). A spitting image of Losing It Daddy and a big comedian. He loves to run and will ask to get out of the stroller to try and keep up with mom. Full of questions and giggles he is a very sweet boy. He will be doing tot trots in no time!

And here is Losing It Little. He is one - 360 days younger than Losing It Middle - and keeps me on my toes. He is a fast and very skilled climber. I am always amazed at what he is able to scale, I almost want to get the camera before he tumbles to the floor, instead I get him down and wait a few seconds before he is at it again. If you are ever having a bad day, ask this one "Do I look pretty?" because he will always say "YEAH!"

That is the Losing It family but they are not my whole team. I have many others who are cheering for me and helping me get to my goal. In no particular order they are :

Losing It Grandparents. I have 2 mom's and 2 dad's (divorce when I was little but I would not say I have step-parents since they are all true parents to me) They are the ones who watch the Losing It Kids when both LID and LIM are at a race. They may not fully understand why we pay to run (I was in their shoes last year so  get it) but they are happy to lend a hand.

Losing It Sibs. I have convinced my brother and two sisters to do a few races with me. They make it fun to do something with them now they are adults. There are also some siblings that cheer from a few counties or states away.

Losing It Extended Family. Cousins, Aunts and Uncles all add their own support. I am so lucky to have so many people in my life who are just as proud of what I am doing as I am.

Losing It Tri-City Weight Watchers. I know that many people get what I am doing but I would say this group understands the challenges I am going through the best. These are the people I see every Saturday and the people I "see" on Facebook during the week. If I am struggling I turn to this group first. So many inspiring people to really help you when you feel stuck.

All my Facebook friends. When I post something and you take the time to "like" it or comment please know that helps fuel this passion I now have.

Now I have 3 people I would like to say are the "cause" of the 5K crazy but all for different reasons.

Weight Watcher Leader Sarah - A runner who lost 115 lbs. Such an inspiration and proof that what I am doing is worth it and 100% possible. I listened to her story and thought when I get to goal I can run and get active instead of just being that big mouth cheerleader on the sidelines.

Friends Alisha and Rosie. Alisha has been doing 5K's, 10K's and has a marathon under her belt. She would always ask if I would do a race and I would always say when I can run the whole thing.
Rosie changed that way of thinking and showed me that you can still be awesome even though you haven't hit goal. She works so hard and accomplishes so much. Seeing her progress over the last year has shown me I too can do this and don't have to wait.

Last but not least YOU!!! If I didn't cover you in a category above know that you do hold a place in my heart. Taking the time out to read what I have to say makes you part of the team. You are offering support by showing me that this goal can be reached and if I fall you are there to pick me up and remind me what I need to do to get back on track.

Now that you have met my team - who is in your team? Go out there and tell someone what you want to do and you will be surprised how that one little thing can make or break your success.  

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