Monday, May 21, 2012

Here I am! (An about me post)

I would like to get to know you but in order to do that you have to know me.

I creating this blog to document my weight loss - yes throwing my hat into the ring and becoming more white noise in a saturated form of communication - I am doing this while I am losing weight so maybe that makes the market a bit smaller. I will always be very honest about anything and never hold any of the numbers back. You will see the good, the bad and the ugly. My hope is my voice will help you realize your goals and maybe give some support. I also need the support and a great way to get me to keep writing is to comment. A smiley face, a way to go or a long story. Everything is welcomed. I will say that I will not allow obvious trolling. I don't fight on the internet, it is a losing battle, so comparing myself or anyone to farm animals will get your comment removed. Other than that it will all stay. We are in this together and we all need a shoulder to cry on.

 A few things you should know about me since you will encounter them often.

I am living the Weight Watchers life. I would never say the D word because those are for so short and I have never completed them. I will be eating this way for the rest of my life. It is something that can (and I feel should) be done. If you don't know, it works like this. You get a set number of points to eat daily based on your weight and gender (height may play a factor, I just don't remember). Each food has a number assigned to it. This is calculated by the amount of fat, carbs, protein and fiber is each food. Really it all equals to be around 40 calories = 1 point but that is simplifying it a lot. Fruits and most veggies are 0 points because you should be eating more of those and what better way to do that then by saying it is free. See the mental game going on here? Points are covered. Some other things they offer is support. Trust me this is huge if you want to keep going. Some people go every week to a meeting (LIKE ME!!!) and some can do it online (I tried. I need the people and a computer wasn't cutting it). The meetings are also nice because we talk about issues, struggles, triumphs, and offer new ways of looking at things. It is an AA meeting for food lovers and exercise haters (or former ones as I have come to find out). I will say it is not cheap. We found a way to pay for it by redoing the monthly budget. We canceled cable and wouldn't you know the monthly price with e-tools is the same price as our cable bill? Funny how that works out, huh.

Now I mentioned exercise. Yeah I hated it. I was a person who would start something and then give up a week later. Then I found walking and jogging, well really 5K races. Last year if you would ask me to do a race I would laugh and call you crazy. Why in the world would I pay to kill myself running 3.1 miles? Then through some change of thinking and motivation from friends (which I will go over in later posts) I tried one in March 2012. OH MY!!! The excitement of all those people both competing and cheering you on, well lets just say it got me. I was super charged for a week after. Now mind you I ran for 30 seconds at the start and 30 seconds at the end, was pasted by many people doing the walking part and finished with a time of 59 minutes but I was so excited to have done it. I signed up for 15 more races from March until September. I am currently writing after finishing my 4th official race with a time of 49 min. I ran a bit more and improved my time by 10 min. I have so many races lined up because I need a goal. I need something to make those walk/jogs at 5 am (yeah get up THAT early) worth it. I joke that I will not do a race unless I get a t-shirt.

Besides the diet and exercise I am a mom to 3 toddlers. The boys are 1,2 and 4. I am lucky enough to be able to stay home with them all day. That does have some downsides though. Toddlers do eat rather healthy but sometimes they would like a treat. We have fruit snacks, crackers and a few other processed foods in the house but we also have baked goods and the like. So I have to be mindful of not grabbing those things and eating without writing it down. Also I make a lot of those snacks. You know how you bump your hand when frosting a cake and lick the frosting off your hand? Well that has calories and if you do it enough times you can pack on some serious LBS. So when I do make those treats I have to make sure I am very aware of what I am doing not to get added calories I forget to track. I have also had to make sure I don't finish their plates for them. I am a card carrying member of the clean plate club but I try not to make sure my kids join this group. So I would pick off their plate so we didn't waste the food. I admit it isn't smart logic, eat it because it is there not because you are hungry, but that is what it says I must do to stay a member of the CPC!!! Well, I now make sure I dump what isn't eaten and try to serve smaller servings at a time.

I think this is a pretty good run down of who I am. Keep coming back and I am sure we will uncover more about me and this journey I am on. I do feel the need to share (and I am sure you can already see this) I am not a writer, I am a talker. I write how I speak and I run my mouth a lot.

Now get out there and pound some pavement!

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