Saturday, May 26, 2012

Losing It Momma Vs The Scale 5/26/2012

I weigh in on Saturdays at 9 am officially. I step on the scale through out the week to make sure I haven't suddenly gained 15 lbs (I am seriously considering abolishing this practice though). I am very use to every other week the scale "saying" something rather unkind but the next week having a redemption of a big loss.

This week was the week where the scale was a big meanie.

I have stopped trying to figure out why I have a gain one week and a loss the next as long as the average is 2 lbs a week for the month. I can come up with all sorts of reasons why something worked one week and didn't the next. This will drive a person batty. Now I take a deep breath and move on, trying to improve every day and not letting yesterday weigh heavy on my thoughts.

Saturdays will be stats days. I have a photo to add here and when I get it uploaded I will post. Right now it is a cell phone photo but will try and get photos with a better camera soon.

May 26th, 2012
Weight - 218.2 (up 3.2.)
Chest: 47 inches
Waist: 46 inches
Hips: 52 inches
Thigh: 24 inches
Arm: 14 inches

I don't have any measurements recorded so this will be the official starting point. That being said I do remember my chest being somewhere around 52 inches at Christmas and my waist being 50. Things are moving in the right direction.

For people who do Weight Watchers:

My points for the week were pretty good. I tracked daily and had 35 activity points and used 10 of them. I did not use any of my 49 weekly points and a few days I was below my daily points by 2. I wasn't hungry but I did skip the mid morning snack that  would usually have. I could have upped my water intake as I only got 64 oz daily. I felt I did well with limiting 0 point fruits to one or two a day and having at least 4 servings of veggies. Moving forward I will work on getting in 109 oz of water daily (1/2 my body weight in oz) and add that mid morning snack back in. I may also look at using a bit more of my activity points and changing the activity up some.

Goal or the week is to lose 5.2 lbs - making the average for 2 weeks 2.5.

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